Thursday, February 15, 2007

Investing Resource Review: Martin Whitman, Third Avenue Funds

Third Avenue Fund

The great thing about the Internet is that you can access materials which help one to invest that would otherwise be difficult to get. A source of useful material for the new investor is the thoughts and writings of successful fund managers. Thanks to the Internet, most fund managers post shareholder letters or other insights where anyone can read them.

One of my favorites is the quarterly shareholder reports from the Third Avenue Fund led by Martin Whitman . The quarterly reports provide great insight into Mr. Whitman's brand of value investing. The quarterly shareholder letters provide analysis of the what and why of Third Avenue Fund's buys, additions, and sells. Mr. Whitman and his crew also discuss their approach to, and thoughts on. the market. It is a resource which helped me understand investing better and I would recommend it to other new investors.

Third Avenue Fund

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