Saturday, March 03, 2007

Blog Review: Afraid To Trade - Overcoming Stock Market Fears

Afraid To Trade: Overcoming Stock Market Fears

Another new blog I like to read is Afraid To Trade: Overcoming Stock Market Fears. As the name implies this blog is focused on addressing the common fears individuals have when it comes to trading. Whether it is buying, selling, or holding, a large part of stock market success is controlling anxiety and fear. This blog endeavors to help investors overcome those fears.

As the blog author states "there are key behavioral and cognitive strategies that we can use to assist us in overcoming barriers that keep us from achieving our full potential." Many of the posts addresses those fears with topics such as How do my Emotions Affect Trade Targets?, Examining the Right Edge of the Chart - What do I do?, and The Four Fears of Trading.

Overall, this is a good blog to stop at to help understand the only thing about the stock market you can have 100% control of: Yourself.

Afraid To Trade: Overcoming Stock Market Fears


sal cangeloso said...

any thoughts on wachovia? It is convenient to use your bank for brokerage, but is it any good?


The market can be a scary place even for the pros.