Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Blog Review: Options The Easy Way

Options The Easy Way

Another great blog that covers options trading is Options The Easy Way. Not much is known about the author of the blog, but from the many educational posts it is evident that the writer truly desires to educate the reader.

The blog offers many insightful posts on options. There are posts which educate the new investor on option techniques and terminology. Posts which discuss option money management to avoid the risk of ruin. Other posts use actual options trades as a teaching tool with charts and discussion of the trade with follow up posts. Simply put, Options The Easy Way covers the material any new investor needs to know about trading options.

Overall, anyone who wants to learn about trading options would do well to start from the beginning of the blog posts and read through to today's current post. Doing so will provide a great start to an options education.

Options The Easy Way

1 comment:

ODA125 said...


Thank you for writing such a kind article about Options The Easy Way. You captured what I try to do - Less about me and More about Options and Trading Learning. I do not need to promote me nor anything else. I am only trying to pass on some insights and experiences I learned from the market and some really great traders over the years as a way of giving something back. I hope you will stop by often. I will certainly mention your site and the article. Thank you!!!