Thursday, December 07, 2006

Supermoney - Book Review

Supermoney (Wiley Investment Classics)

What Is It About?

This book is the follow up to the authors first book, Money Game. My review of the first book is here. The second book continues were the first left off and provides further insight into Wall Street.

What Did I Get Out Of It As A New Investor?

As was the case with Money Game this book details the madness that happens on Wall Street and in the general world of finance. The best part of this book is found in chapter 5. In that chapter the author details how Benjamin Graham contacted him asking him to collaborate with a former student to update Intelligent Investor. That former student was Warren Buffett.

The author recounts his meeting with Buffett and discussing Buffett’s investing philosophy. The book is considered to be one of the earliest, if not the first, that provides a close look at Warren Buffett. This early insight into Buffett is alone worth the read.

The Good News

This book is a great read. As mentioned, the chapter on Warren Buffett is excellent.

The Bad News

Like all sequels, while coming close, it does not surpass the original work. The middle part of the book, while interesting, does drag a bit.

The Bottom Line

The chapter on Buffett alone makes this book a must read. Moreover, if you are considering compiling a library of investment classics this book should be included.

Other Related Works:



Anonymous said...

I have a gift certificate for books, $50.

What would be your top 3 choices of must have books on investing?

Steven said...

That is a great question. Eventually once I have enough books read I will offer my opinion as to what books shoudl be read in what order.

I will think about 3 books. It would help to know more about your way of investing and your time frame. I would start by reading the blogs I mentioned in my top 5 post.


Another great book review.